Birding & Wildlife Trail: Philpott Lake Dam and Overlook

1058 Philpott Dam Rd, Bassett, VA, USA Get Directions View Website
1058 Philpott Dam Rd, Bassett, VA, USA

Experience wild and scenic beauty of Virginia’s Birding & Wildlife Trail. One of the best spots in western Virginia for brown-headed nuthatch, scurrying around in treetops. Pine warbler and yellow-throated warbler also easy to find. Other species are blue jay, Carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, Carolina wren, cedar waxwing, red-eyed vireo, chipping sparrow, and American goldfinch. Barn swallows nest on the dam swarm over the water just in front of the dam.

Lake host to variety of waterfowl during migration and winter, when horned grebe and bufflehead can be seen – as well as Black, Forster’s and common terns. Wildflowers are prevalent spring/summer with rhododendrons and deep pink magnolias. Flowers attract a variety of butterflies, such as spicebush swallowtail.